Tax ID Format

Find the requested Tax ID format per country below.

Failure to provide a Tax ID for certain countries may lead to issues at customs resulting in return or abandonment. Customers are responsible for re-shipment costs. Please know this is not a full list and only used for examples, contact your local region's official office for more details. 






  • Length at least 8, contain any character within A-z or 0-9
  • Example: 1234abcd
  • Example: a123456789
  • Example: 12348b654s


  • 8 Numerical digits + 1 letter at the end
  • 8 Numerical digits + 1 number at the end
  • Example: 12345678k
  • Example: 543210983


  • 15 or 18 Numerical digit
  • 8 Numerical digits + 10 any character within A-z or 0-9 at the end
  • 1 letter (only C/H/J/M/W/T) at the beginning + 17 Numerical digit
  • 17 Numerical digit + 1 letter at the end
  • 1 letter (only C/H/J/M/W/T) at the beginning + 16 Numerical digit + 1 letter at the end
  • Example: 123456789012345
  • Example: 12345678asdfg123hj
  • Example: C12345678901234567
  • Example: 12345678901234567C
  • Example: C1234567890123456C


  • Length at least 8, contain any character within A-z or 0-9
  • Example: a123456789
  • Example: 12348b654s

South Korea 

  • 10 or 13 Numerical digits
  • “P" at the beginning + 12 Numerical digits
  • Example: 1234567890123
  • Example: 1234567890
  • Example: P123456789012


  • "9" at the beginning + 6 Numerical digits
  • Length at least 8, contain any character within A-z or 0-9
  • Example: 9123456
  • Example: a123456789
  • Example: 12348b654s


Applicable to Aramex shipping from Hong Kong to Turkey only

  • Length at least 10, Numerical digits only
  • Example: 1234567890

Saudi Arabia

  • 15 Numerical digits only
  • example: 123456789012345